...like choosing your evening outfit. :)
Listening to his songs just takes me away! Sometimes even further than books do. He is extraordinarily brilliant. He is like a mood manipulator. He can make you hover around and move your hands to the wonderful melody subconsciously. Even if a song is sad, you cannot but feel happy, for the fineness of his work is marvelous!
When I listen to songs like this, various questions occur to me, like; why the heck do people need drugs when they can listen to this, for free! Much more convenient and satisfying, I think.
I cannot but download his whole discography, I just want –no-, *need* his music to go on forever! Don’t you?
The guy is a really a virtuoso! Since the 6th of December 1950 (birthday), he has created over one hundred film scores. People usually know him through the music he made for Sudio Ghibli's films like; My neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, Laputa, Princess Mononoke, Howl's moving Castle e.t.c..